Oct 31, 2017
The South Bend Tribune's Mike Vorel (@mikevorel) stops by to talk about what's driving Notre Dame's six-game win streak, the importance of newspaper ads in being good at college football and other observations from campus. Read Mike's work at www.ndinsider.com.
Oct 27, 2017
Chris and Matt recount basically all of Notre Dame's 49-14 victory over Southern Cal. They also discuss NC State, and how not being that scared about Saturday is the scariest thing of all.
Oct 18, 2017
Trojans alum Nick Tres swings by to discuss Saturday night's giant game in South Bend. We look at the important stuff: What's up with Sam Darnold? What should fans on both sides be worried about? Is USC healthy? Why do people schedule weddings during football season?
Oct 13, 2017
Apologies but this is another long one, so maybe just listen to it during the time you'd normally be watching Notre Dame during their bye? Irish Sports Daily's Jamie Uyeyama stops by to talk about the defense holding strong, the passing game potentially getting better and the difficult six games remaining on the schedule.
Oct 11, 2017
Hoops edition! We'll get back to football later this week, but with the college basketball season looming, we take some time to talk Notre Dame hoops with Joe Schueller of 18 Stripes and Mike Laskey. Topics of conversation include: Federal investigations, recruiting coups, Farrell/Colson pick and rolls, the potential...